Generator Mark-up Point

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Load point for use with multi-point [Mark-up] or [Bid-Cost Mark-up].

Generator Mark-up Point is a load point for use with multi-point Mark-up or Bid-Cost Mark-up. This property controls the breakpoints between bands of mark-up over-riding the default banding behaviour described in the Mark-up property page. Note that mark-up is not applied to generation below Min Stable Level unless the Competition Mark-up Min Stable Level setting is on.

The number of mark-up points (bands) should be one less than the Mark-up bands as the final mark-up band will be extended to the capacity of the generator.


Property Value Units Band
Units 1 - 1
Max Capacity 100 MW 1
Min Stable Level 40 MW 1
Fuel Price 5 $/GJ 1
Heat Rate 10 GJ/MWh 1
Mark-up 1 $/MWh 1
Mark-up 5 $/MWh 2
Mark-up Point 60 MW 1

In the above example a mark-up of $1/MWh is applied to generation from 40 to 60 MW while $5 is applied above 60 MW.