Generator Bid-Cost Mark-up

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Percentage mark-up applied to generator offer prices = (P - C) / C

Generator Bid-Cost Mark-up as input applies a mark-up to Offer Prices equal to a percentage of the Cost Price.


Generator Property Value Band Date From Date To Timeslice
Coal Units 1 -
Coal Max Capacity 300 MW
Coal Min Stable Level 120 MW
Coal Heat Rate 10 Gj/MWh
Coal Fuel Price 4 $/GJ
Coal Bid-Cost Mark-up 5 % OFF PEAK
Coal Bid-Cost Mark-up 25 % PEAK

In this case the Offer Price in "OFF PEAK" is calculated as:

Offer Price = 10 × 4 × ( 1 + 0.05 ) = $42/MWh

and in "PEAK" it as:

Offer Price = 10 × 4 × ( 1 + 0.25 ) = $50/MWh

Bid-Cost Mark-up can be used with Mark-up Point in multiple bands to vary the mark-up percentage across the range of generation.

For more examples see the topic Generator Mark-up.


Generator Bid-Cost Mark-up as output is the percentage Mark-up applied to Generator Offer Price and is calculated as:

Bid-Cost Mark-up (b) = 100 × ( Offer Priceb - Cost Priceb ) / Cost Priceb


b indexes the Offer Quantity bands.

See also: