Generator Offer Quantity

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Quantity offered in band

As an input Generator Offer Quantity defines the quantity part of a multi-band generation offer for each of the Generator Units.

Offer Quantity is either an incremental or cumulative value as determined by the Offer Quantity Format setting.


An offer in incremental format:

Property Value Units Band
Offer Quantity 140 MW 1
Offer Quantity 50 MW 2
Offer Quantity 50 MW 3
Offer Quantity 50 MW 4
Offer Quantity 90 MW 5
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1
Offer Price 18 $/MWh 2
Offer Price 22 $/MWh 3
Offer Price 30 $/MWh 4
Offer Price 5000 $/MWh 5

An offer in cumulative format:

Property Value Units Band
Offer Quantity 0 MW 1
Offer Quantity 140 MW 2
Offer Quantity 190 MW 3
Offer Quantity 240 MW 4
Offer Quantity 290 MW 5
Offer Quantity 380 MW 6
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1
Offer Price 18 $/MWh 2
Offer Price 22 $/MWh 3
Offer Price 30 $/MWh 4
Offer Price 5000 $/MWh 5

Note that for Balancing Markets (or real-time) some Offer Quantity value may be negative to represent decr offers below the defined Offer Base.

When the Uplift Compatibility attribute is set to "Irish SEM" the total quantity offered is extended automatically by the simulator so that it is at least the Rated Capacity. This is done by extending the megawatts in the last non-zero offer band. In all other cases the total quantity offered acts as a upper limit on the Generation per generating unit.


As an output Offer Quantity either reports the input Offer Quantity in incremental style, or reports the equivalent Offer Quantity corresponding to the incremental cost curve of the Generator as dictated by the Max Heat Rate Tranches setting. The incremental cost across each band is reported as Offer Price.

See also: