Balancing Markets


  1. Introduction
  2. Balancing Generation Offers
  3. Linking day ahead and Balancing Market Solutions
  4. Handling Different Horizon Resolutions
  5. Pumped Storage Offers and Bids
  6. Interleaved Run Mode

1. Introduction

In a balancing (or real-time) market, generators define their dispatch level from a day-ahead market using the properties Generator Offer Base (for Generation) and Pump Bid Base (for Pump Load). The goal of the balancing process is then to select optimal increments (incr) and decrements (decr) around these day-ahead positions to meet deviations in the real-time load (which may be higher or lower than the load that defined the day-ahead positions).

2. Balancing Generation Offers

The input pairs Generator Offer Quantity, and Offer Price are used to define the incr and decr offers. Positive quantities are interpreted as offers to increment the generator's dispatch above the base quantity, while negative quantities are interpreted as offers to decrement the generator's dispatch. The impact on the system is the product of the inc/dec and the offer price, thus an inc with a positive price increases cost accordingly and a dec with a positive offer price, decreases system cost. To prevent dec bids below a certain point (such as Min Stable Level), use a negative offer price with dec bids to create an increase in system cost for a dec in the specified range.

Generally the first offer band equals the day-ahead generation (Offer Base) with a price equal to the negative of the incremental cost of generation to that point. Subsequent bands are priced at the incremental cost of moving the generation above the Offer Base.

Note that Offer Price is usually positive for both incr and decr parts of the offer, except in cases where negative offer prices are being used to keep generation above Min Stable Level.


The following shows a balancing market offer with a 200MW generator with a day-ahead generation of 100MW and Min Stable Level of 80MW.

Property Value Units Band
Max Capacity 200 MW 1
Min Stable Level 80 MW 1
Offer Base 100 MW 1
Offer Quantity -80 MW 1
Offer Quantity -20 MW 2
Offer Quantity 80 MW 3
Offer Quantity 20 MW 4
Offer Price -9999 $/MWh 1
Offer Price 28 $/MWh 2
Offer Price 30 $/MWh 3
Offer Price 9999 $/MWh 4

In this example the generator has a day-ahead Generation of 100 MW. If the system chooses to dispatch the generator at 100 MW it incurs zero Cleared Offer Cost, but if it increments the generator dispatch, it pays the prices defined by the positive offer quantities i.e. the first megawatt increment would cost $30 for up to 80MW, then $9999 above that to the Max Capacity. However, if the system chooses to decrement the generation it is paid the prices associated with the negative quantities i.e. the first megawatt decrement earns the system $28, and this price holds for decrements up to 20MW, below which the system must pay $9999 per unit of decrement (since the decrement bid price is negative).

Thus, in this scheme, incr offers are cleared from lowest priced to highest priced, while decr offers are cleared highest priced to lowest (as if the day-ahead dispatch were being 'unwound').

The simulator provides a means for the solution of one Model to act as input for subsequent Models via the Data File class. This is particularly useful for modelling balancing (or real-time) markets because it allows the Generation and other solution values to be passed from the day-ahead simulation to the real-time simulation without any manual intervention or data processing.

The data are passed between simulations using text files written when the Report Write Flat File option is set. For the day-ahead Model select all the outputs that will act as inputs to the real-time simulation. These might include:

The Model will then write out these files into a folder structure. The interval solution values e.g. period-by-period Generation appear in the files:

Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).Generation.csv

where "DA" is an example Model name, and the * represents the numeric index of each Generator in the system.

Generator names are not used to name these files and instead the index must be looked-up in the reference file "id2name.csv" which is created in the root of the text solution folder. It would be time consuming to do this look-up every time you wanted to pass solution data to another model, so instead the Write Flat File class supports the wildcard syntax in the Filename field directly, allowing you to 'point' to the day-ahead solution files with a single line of input.


The following Data File definitions link to the "DA" Model solution:

Data File Property Value Units Band Filename
Available Capacity Filename 0 - 1 Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).Available Capacity.csv
Generation Filename 0 - 1 Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).Generation.csv
Price Received Filename 0 - 1 Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).Price Received.csv
Pump Load Filename 0 - 1 Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).Pump Load.csv
Undispatched Capacity Filename 0 - 1 Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).Undispatched Capacity.csv
SRMC Filename 0 - 1 Model DA Solution\interval\ST Generator(*).SRMC.csv

The these can be applied as input to the real-time thus:

Generator Property Value Units Band Data Files Scenario Memo
Coal Offer Base 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids -
Coal Offer Quantity 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids -
Coal Offer Base 0 MW 2 Undispatched Quantity RT Offers & Bids -
Coal Offer QuantityScalar -1 MW 1 - RT Offers & Bids Negate to create dec offer
Coal Offer Quantity Scalar 1 MW 2 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, this is default value
Coal Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1 SRMC RT Offers & Bids -
Coal Offer Price 0 $/MWh 2 SRMC RT Offers & Bids -
Coal Offer Price Scalar 1 $/MWh 1 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, this is default value
Coal Offer Price Scalar 1.01 $/MWh 2 - RT Offers & Bids Increase inc prices by 1% over SRMC
Gas Offer Base 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids -
Gas Offer Quantity 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids -
Gas Offer Quantity 0 MW 2 Undispatched Capacity RT Offers & Bids -
Gas Offer Quantity Scalar -1 MW 1 - RT Offers & Bids Negate to create dec offer
Gas Offer Quantity Scalar 1 MW 2 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, this is default value
Gas Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1 SRMC RT Offers & Bids -
Gas Offer Price 0 $/MWh 2 SRMC RT Offers & Bids -
Gas Offer Price Scalar 1 $/MWh 1 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, this is default value
Gas Offer Price Scalar 1.01 $/MWh 2 - RT Offers & Bids Increase inc prices by 1% over SRMC

This example uses the properties offer quantity scalar and offer price scalar to convert the data file input data to the desired offer table. For both generators "coal" and "gas", band 1 represents dec offers and the generation data is multiplied using the offer quantity scalar -1. Band 2 represents inc offers and the offer price scalar is used to increase the day ahead prices (data file SRMC) by 1%.

4. Handling Different Horizon Resolutions

Where the day-ahead market is simulated at a different resolution to the real-time market, the text data passed between the models are automatically upscaled or downscaled. The method used for up/downscaling can be controlled by the Data File Upscaling Method, when increasing the resolution in real-time compared to day-ahead, vice versa for Downscaling Method. If these are not defined then the method is chosen that best suits the property e.g. Generator Commit is upscaled using the "Step" method, whereas Fixed Load is upscaled using the "Interpolate" method.

5. Pumped Storage Offers and Bids

Pumped storage generation can be modelled in balancing markets by treating it as an equivalent thermal resource. Offer Base represents Generation while Pump Bid Base represents Pump Load. The Offer Price of pumped storage generation is equal to the Price Received in the day-ahead solution and similarly the Pump Bid Price for load is also equal to the Price Received in day-ahead.

Property Value Units Band Data File Scenario Memo
Offer Base 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids The DA Generation
Offer Quantity 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids The DA Generation as a decrement "offer"(bid)
Offer Quantity 0 MW 2 Undispatched Capacity RT Offers & Bids The remaining undispatched generation
Offer Quantity Scalar -1 MW 1 - RT Offers & Bids Negate to create dec offer
Offer Quantity Scalar 1 MW 2 Generation RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, default value
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1 Price Received RT Offers & Bids The price at which pump generation was dispatched DA
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 2 Price Received RT Offers & Bids Offered just above the DA price
Offer Price Scalar 1 $/MWh 1 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, default value
Offer Price Scalar 1.01 $/MWh 2 - RT Offers & Bids Increase inc offers by 1% over DA bids
Pump Bid Base 0 MW 1 Pump Load RT Offers & Bids The DA pump load
Pump Bid Quantity 0 MW 1 Pump Load RT Offers & Bids The DA pump load as a decrement "bid" (offer)
Pump Bid Quantity 0 MW 2 Available Capacity RT Offers & Bids The remaining undispatched pump load
Pump Bid Quantity Scalar -1 MW 1 - RT Offers & Bids Negate to create dec offers
Pump Bid Quantity Scalar 1 MW 2 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, default value
Pump Bid Price 0 $/MWh 1 Price Received RT Offers & Bids The price at which pump load was dispatched DA
Pump Bid Price 0 $/MWh 2 Price Received RT Offers & Bids Bid just below the DA price
Pump Bid Price Scalar 1 $/MWh 1 - RT Offers & Bids OK to omit, default value
Pump Bid Price 0.99 $/MWh 2 - RT Offers & Bids Decrease bid price by 1%

In this scheme where day-ahead prices are used as offer/bid prices for pumped storage, it is sensible to remove any restrictions on the pumped storage End Volume so that the real-time storage can move freely to balance the system.

Storage Property Value Units Bands Scenario Memo
Head End Effects Method 0 - 1 DA DA enforces storage recycling
Head End Effects Method 1 - 1 RT Allow RT storage to change from DA
Head Enforce Bounds -1 YES/NO 1 DA DA enforces storage recycling
Head Enforce Bounds 0 YES/NO 1 RT Allow RT storage to drift outside bounds
Tail End Effects Method 0 - 1 DA DA enforces storage recycling
Tail End Effects Method 1 - 1 RT Allow RT storage to change from DA
Tail Enforce Bounds -1 YES/NO 1 DA DA enforces storage recycling
Tail Enforce Bounds 0 YES/NO 1 RT Allow RT storage to drift outside bounds

Here the End Effects Method is set to "free" in the real-time, meaning the Storage End Volume can deviate from the day-ahead solution if it is optimal for balancing.

6. Interleaved Run Mode

An issue with running the "DA" Model followed in sequence by the "RT" Model is that the day-ahead decisions do not reflect the outcome of the real-time in that the initial conditions for generation and storage (in particular) for each day of the "day-ahead" Model are based on the previous day-ahead solution not those from the real-time. Interleaved run mode addresses this problem by running both "DA" and "RT" Models interleaved, with initial conditions being passed back automatically from "RT" to "DA". This sophisticated run method is described further in the Model class and illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Interleaved Run Mode

NOTE: A restriction of the Interleaved run mode is that you cannot apply Escalator objects to any data that will be passed between "DA" and "RT". A work-around is to use the properties Generator Offer Quantity Scalar, Offer Price Scalar for generation offers, and Pump Bid Quantity Scalar, Pump Bid Price Scalar to perform the multiplication as in the following example, which is equivalent to the previous example but without the need for Escalator objects:

Property Value Units Band Data File Scenario Memo
Offer Base 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids The DA generation
Offer Quantity 0 MW 1 Generation RT Offers & Bids The DA generation as a decrement "offer"(bid)
Offer Quantity 0 MW 2 Undispatched Capacity RT Offers & Bids The remaining undispatched generation
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 1 Price Received RT Offers & Bids The price at which pump generation was dispatched DA
Offer Price 0 $/MWh 2 Price Received RT Offers & Bids Offered just above the DA price
Offer Quantity Scalar -1 - 1 - RT Offers & Bids -
Offer Quantity Scalar 1.01 - 2 - RT Offers & Bids -
Pump Bid Base 0 MW 1 Pump Load RT Offers & Bids The DA pump load
Pump Bid Quantity 0 MW 2 Available Capacity RT Offers & Bids The remaining undispatched pump load
Pump Bid Price 0 $/MWh 1 Price Received RT Offers & Bids The price at which pump load was dispatched DA
Pump Bid Price 0 $/MWh 2 Price Received RT Offers & Bids Bid just below the DA price
Pump Bid Quantity Scalar -1 - 1 - RT Offers & Bids -
Pump Bid Price Scalar 0.99 - 2 - RT Offers & Bids -