Generator Power to Heat Ratio

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Ratio of heat production to electric production

Generator Power to Heat Ratio is the ratio of heat production to electric production in a CHP plant.

This is the key property that is used to identify the Generator object as a combined heat and power plant.


Property Value Units
Units 1 -
Max Capacity 200 MW
Min Stable Level 50 MW
Fuel Price 5 $/GJ
Heat Rate 13 GJ/MWh
Min Up Time 3 hrs
Power to Heat Ratio 0.5 -
CHP Electric Heat Rate Incr 15 GJ/MWh
Boiler Heat Rate Incr 1.2 GJ/GJ
Max Boiler Heat 15 GJ