Generator Constraints Spinning Reserve Coefficient

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Coefficient of reserve provided by spare capacity

Generator Constraints Spinning Reserve Coefficient is the left-hand side coefficient on the spinning reserve provided by the generator in the constraint. This excludes reserve provided by off-line capacity, synchronous condenser operation or dispatchable pump load or regulation reserve i.e. it applies only to the provision of Reserve Type = "Raise", "Lower" or "Operational".

With the coefficient represented by a(i,j) the following term is added to the formulation:

... + a(i,j) × ∑ ( i ) ( Generator Reserves Spinning Reserve Provisioni ) ... {≤, ≥, =} bj


i indexes the Reserves provided by the Generator

You can limit the set of Reserves included in this sum by adding Generator Reserves memberships with no associated property definitions. This is a special case of using 'null' memberships to filter the terms included in another constraint property.

See also: