Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Bid Price | $/MWh | True | -10000 | False | Value of energy in band | |
Bid Quantity | MW | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | MW bid in band |
Build Non-anticipativity | $/MW | False | -1 | False | Price for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode | |
Capacity Charge | $/kW | False | 0 | False | Hourly fixed charge for contract capacity | |
Capacity Charge Day | $/kW/day | False | 0 | False | Daily fixed charge for contract capacity | |
Capacity Charge Hour | $/kWh | False | 0 | False | Hourly fixed charge for contract capacity | |
Capacity Charge Month | $/kW/month | False | 0 | False | Monthly fixed charge for contract capacity | |
Capacity Charge Week | $/kW/week | False | 0 | False | Weekly fixed charge for contract capacity | |
Capacity Charge Year | $/kW/yr | False | 0 | False | Annual fixed charge for contract capacity | |
Firm Capacity | MW | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Contribution of the generation to capacity reserves. |
Load Obligation | MW | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Load obligation for capacity reserves. |
Max Generation | MW | False | 1E+30 | False | Maximum generation cleared on physical contract | |
Max Generation Units | MW | False | 0 | False | Maximum generation capacity that can be contracted (LT Plan) | |
Max Load | MW | False | 1E+30 | False | Maximum load cleared on physical contract | |
Max Load Units | MW | False | 0 | False | Maximum load capacity that can be contracted (LT Plan) | |
Min Generation | MW | False | 0 | False | Minimum generation cleared on physical contract | |
Min Generation Units | MW | False | 0 | False | Minimum generation capacity contracted (LT Plan) | |
Min Load | MW | False | 0 | False | Minimum load cleared on physical contract | |
Min Load Units | MW | False | 0 | False | Minimum load capacity contracted (LT Plan) | |
Offer Price | $/MWh | True | 10000 | False | Price of energy in band | |
Offer Quantity | MW | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | MW offer in band |
Offer Quantity Format | - | False | 0 | In (0,1) | False | Format for [Offer/Bid Quantity] and [Offer/Bid Price] |
Price Setting | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if the Physical Contract can set price |
Units | - | False | 1 | In (0,1) | True | Flag if the Physical Contract is in service |
x | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
y | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
z | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Share | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Company's share of physical contract |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Build Cost Coefficient | $ | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total build cost | |
Generation Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total generation capacity contracted (LT Plan) | |
Generation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of cleared generation offers | |
Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of cleared load bids | |
Load Obligation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total load obligation contracted (LT Plan) | |
Units Generating Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of 0,1 value indicating if the physical contracting is generating. | |
Units Load Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of 0,1 value indicating if the physical contracting is a load. |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Build Cost Coefficient | $ | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total build cost | |
Generation Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total generation capacity contracted | |
Generation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of cleared generation offers | |
Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of cleared load bids | |
Load Obligation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total load obligation contracted | |
Units Generating Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of 0,1 value indicating if the physical contracting is generating | |
Units Load Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of 0,1 value indicating if the physical contracting is a load |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Capacity Factor - % | Capacity Factor - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Proportion of generation capacity utilized |
Cost to Load - $ | Cost to Load - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Mark-to-market cost to load (Price Received × Load) |
Fixed Cost - $ | Fixed Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Fixed cost of contract capacity |
Generation - MW | Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation on physical contract |
Generation Capacity - MW | Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Contribution of generation to system capacity reserves |
Generation Cost - $ | Generation Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of cleared generation offers |
Generation Revenue - $ | Generation Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Mark-to-market revenue from generation (Price Received * Generation) |
Load - MW | Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load on physical contract |
Load Factor - % | Load Factor - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Proportion of load obligation serviced |
Load Obligation - MW | Load Obligation - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load obligation for capacity reserves. |
Load Revenue - $ | Load Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Revenue from cleared load bids |
Net Generation - MW | Net Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net of generation and load |
Net Generation Cost - $ | Net Generation Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net cost of cleared generation offers and load bids |
Net Generation Revenue - $ | Net Generation Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net of generation revenue and cost to load |
Price Paid - $/MWh | Price Paid - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price paid by load |
Price Received - $/MWh | Price Received - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price received for generation |
x | x | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
y | y | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
z | z | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |