Line Flow Non-anticipativity

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Price for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode

Line Flow Non-anticipativity applies when the Stochastic Method is set to "Scenario-wise Decomposition". It is used to identify the non-anticipative flow decisions i.e. flows whose values must be determined in stage one of the multi-stage stochastic optimization. This property must be set in combination with Flow Non-anticipativity Time. The property can take any value, but there are two special cases to consider:

Non-anticipative (value = -1)
There is no recourse on the flow decisions for this Line. The simulation enforces the non-anticipativity constraints (that the flow must be identical across all S stochastic samples). The value of -1 in fact means a penalty of infinity on the non-anticipativity constraints.
Recourse (value = 0)
There is full recourse on the flow decisions. The non-anticipativity constraints are relaxed and the stochastic optimization is free to optimize the flow decisions in each stochastic sample separately.

Any positive value then acts as a penalty on anticipating the values of the uncertain inputs. It is a useful feature that the non-anticipativity can be relaxed over time as in the following example:

See also: