Load Load

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Load at a node

Load Load is used to specify the real power (MW) rating of the load. Loads can be defined separately at a node. In other words, loads belonging to different companies can be assigned to the same node. For example, Load_1 served by Company_1, Load_2 and Load_3 served by Company_2 can each be assigned individually to Node_1.

The following example shows how to input the MW load data at a node using Load.

Load Property Value Datafile Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice
Load_1 Load 50 MW 1
Load_2 Load 80 MW 1
Load_3 Load 30 MW 1

The user can directly enter the load values as shown above or specify the loads using the Load Participation Factor property. Note: When Load is used to set Loads the propertyIs Scalable must be set as No for the Load to be enabled.

The total load at a node is the sum of all individual loads connected to the node.

Node Load = ∑ Load(Node)