Message 3121

Severity:Serious (value = 2)
Default Action:Warn (value = 1)
Description:The Model Random Number Seed property has not been set. The number <value> will be used. Variable samples and outage patterns in this simulation will repeat only if this same seed is set.

Message 3121 occurs when the Model Random Number Seed property either has not been set or has been set to zero. A zero value indicates that the random number seed for the simulation will itself be randomly drawn. The seed drawn is reported in the simulation log file thus:

           WARNING 3121: The Model [Random Number Seed] property has not been set. The number 1217120194 will be used. Variable samples and outage patterns in this simulation will repeat only if this same seed is set.
 Random Number Seed............................................................                                        1217120194


The simulation results can be repeated by entering this number into the Model Random Number Seed property next time you run.

Note that in some circumstances you might want each run of the Model to produce different patterns of outages or samples e.g. when running a large number of Monte Carlo runs. In this case you can suppress this warning via the database Settings form.