Message 80

Severity:Serious (value = 2)
Default Action:Error (value = 0)
Description:Generator <name> does not define enough bands of Generator Offer Quantity for cumulative format (at least two required).

Message 80 occurs in the following circumstances:

In cumulative format, the quantities are points along the axis of Generation. For the offer to correctly define each band there must be a lower and upper value hence to define N quantity bands you must define N + 1


The following input correctly defines a five-band cumulative energy offer:

Property Value Units Band
Offer Quantity Format "Cumulative" - 1
Units 1 - 1
Max Capacity 100 MW 1
Offer Quantity 40 MW 1
Offer Quantity 60 MW 2
Offer Quantity 70 MW 3
Offer Quantity 80 MW 4
Offer Quantity 90 MW 5
Offer Quantity 100 MW 6
Offer Price -1000 $/MWh 1
Offer Price 28.5 $/MWh 2
Offer Price 30 $/MWh 3
Offer Price 55 $/MWh 4
Offer Price 999 $/MWh 5