Process Class

Description:A process that transforms one or more input commodities to one or more output commodities

See also Process Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

Related Classes: Commodity, Facility.


A Process takes one or more Commodity inputs and converts them to one or more Commodity outputs. The conversion process has a given Efficiency and (optionally) Capacity. The Efficiency and Capacity properties are based on a Primary Input to Primary Output relationship. Where there are secondary inputs or outputs, their consumption and production is based on ratios of the primary process, rather than having separate efficiencies.

For example, as shown in Figure 1, the process of generating electricity from a fuel consumes a Primary Input Commodity and produces a Primary Output Commodity, in this case "Electricity" and Secondary Outputs "CO2".

You toggle on/off the modeling of a Process with the Units property. A Process may be 'floating' or 'attached'. Floating Process objects exist on their own and are not associated with any physical location or Facility. Attached Process objects are linked to one or more Facility objects. When a Process is attached to a Facility there are additional technical constraints and costs that can be applied. Note that a Process can be implemented by any number of Facility objects.

Figure 1: Example Electricity Generation Process

How to Use Process

The following guide will help you get started using the Process class:

Figure 2: Interlinked Processes and Commodities


Table 1 provides several examples of Process objects and descriptions of their intended purpose. Table shows the memberships that form an electricity generation type of process with secondary outputs of emissions and spinning reserves. Table 3 shows memberships for the conversion of power to hydrogen with inputs of electricity and water and output of hydrogen. Table 4 shows example properties for the electricity generation Process and Table 5 the same for the power to hydrogen Process. Note the use of Operating Minimum Coefficient , Operating Capacity Coefficient, and Unit Maximum to provide additional constraints on the secondary production of the spinning reserve commodities by the Facility.

Table 1: Process examples
Class Name Category Description
Process Battery.Discharge Electricity Producers Battery discharging
Process Gen.Coal Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from Coal
Process Gen.Gas.CCGT Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from Gas using combined cycle
Process Gen.Gas.CT Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from Gas using open cycle
Process Gen.Hydro Electricity Producers Generate Electricity from Hydro Storage
Process Gen.PS Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from Pumped Storage
Process Gen.Solar Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from the Sun
Process Gen.Wind Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from Wind
Process H2-Power Electricity Producers Generates Electricity from H2
Process Imports Electricity Producers External supply of Electricity
Process Battery.Charge Electricity Consumers Battery charging
Process CO2.Direct Electricity Consumers Direct air capture of CO2
Process Exports Electricity Consumers Export of Electricity
Process Load.PS Electricity Consumers Uses Electricity to Pump to Pumped Storage
Process Power-eFuel Electricity Consumers Creates eFuel from Electricity, H2 and CO2
Process Power-H2 Electricity Consumers Creates H2 from Electricity and water
Process Spill.Hydro Other Spills energy from Hydro

Table 2: Process memberships for electricity generation Process
Collection Parent Name Child Name Parent Category Child Category
Process.Primary Input Gen.Coal Coal Electricity Producers Resources
Process.Primary Output Gen.Coal Electricity Electricity Producers Products
Process.Secondary Inputs Gen.Coal Water Electricity Producers Resources
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal CO2.Atmo Electricity Producers Emissions
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Heat Electricity Producers Emissions
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Down Electricity Producers Products
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Up Electricity Producers Products
Facility.Primary Process Plant.Coal Gen.Coal Power Electricity Producers

Table 3: Process memberships for power to hydrogen Process
Collection Parent Name Child Name Parent Category Child Category
Process.Primary Input Power-H2 Electricity Electricity Consumers Products
Process.Primary Output Power-H2 H2 Electricity Consumers Storage
Process.Secondary Inputs Power-H2 Water Electricity Consumers Resources
Facility.Primary Process Plant.Power-H2 Power-H2 H2 Electricity Consumers

Table 4: Example data for electricity generation Process
Collection Parent Object Child Object Property Value Data File Units
Processes System Gen.Coal Efficiency 37
Processes System Gen.Coal Processing Charge 5
Process.Secondary Inputs Gen.Coal Water Ratio 0.52
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal CO2.Atmo Ratio 0.920432432
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Heat Ratio 15.44401544
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Down Ratio 1
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Down Operating Minimum Coefficient -1
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Up Ratio -1
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Up Operating Capacity Coefficient 1
Process.Secondary Outputs Gen.Coal Spin.Up Unit Maximum 50

Table 5: Example data for power to hydrogen Process
Collection Parent Object Child Object Property Value Data File Units
Processes System Power-H2 Units 1
Processes System Power-H2 Efficiency 70

Constraints and Objectives

You can define custom constraints on Process via the Constraints membership. The Objectives membership allows you to include Commodity coefficients in your multi-objective optimization problems.