Scenario Class

Description:Data scenario

See also Scenario Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

Scenario objects allow data to be labelled with a particular scenario name. Scenarios are created in the same ways as other objects. Once created, any property can be tagged with that scenario name. Model objects (the objects that are executed during a simulation) have a Scenarios collection. Adding a Scenario to this collection instructs PLEXOS to use all the properties tagged with that scenario name as well as all properties that have no tag. Data from Scenarios overrides untagged data.

Where two Scenarios specify values for the same datum in the same time period, the Scenarios are read in alphabetical order. Although this behaviour can be overridden using the Read Order property.

Selecting a Scenario object in the PLEXOS interface and the Properties window displays all the properties in the database that are tagged with that Scenarios name. Deleting a Scenario object causes all data associated with that Scenario to be deleted too.