PASA Reliability Criterion

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Description:Criterion used to select periods for Monte Carlo reliability analysis

This PASA option relates to the MT Schedule Reliability Chronology feature. Periods are selected for Monte Carlo simulation in MT Schedule based on this setting. Specifically, the statistic is computed for each period (where the period is controlled by PASA Step Type) and the periods ranked. The top Reliability Max Samples periods are then selected for Monte Carlo simulation. The statistic used to rank periods is controlled by this option and can take one the following values:

LOLP (value = 0, default)
Periods are selected based on the LOLP statistic with periods ranked in descending order. Only periods with a value of at least the Reliability LOLP Tolerance are included. Note that if you choose this option the setting PASA Compute Reliability Indices will be automatically toggled on.
Capacity Reserves (value = 1)
Periods are selected based on the Capacity Reserves output with periods ranked in ascending order.

Note that only objects selected for reporting are included in the statistic used to select periods i.e. you can limit the scope of the analysis by adding a filter to the Lists collection of the Report object associated with the running Model. For example. you might want the reliability analysis to apply only to a single Region, Zone or Node.