Purchaser Max Load Factor

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:100
Validation Rule:Between 0 And 100
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum load factor

The Purchaser Max Load Factor, and its period-specific variants, defines an upper bound on the Purchaser's Load Factor on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis. The factor will be applied to the minimum value of the Max Load or the sum of the Bid Quantities.


A purchaser may have monthly load factors like this:

Property Value Units Timeslice
Max Load Factor Month 24 % M01
Max Load Factor Month 66 % M02
Max Load Factor Month 68 % M03
Max Load Factor Month 63 % M04
Max Load Factor Month 76 % M05
Max Load Factor Month 36 % M06
Max Load Factor Month 77 % M07
Max Load Factor Month 46 % M08
Max Load Factor Month 22 % M09
Max Load Factor Month 4 % M10
Max Load Factor Month 15 % M11
Max Load Factor Month 8 % M12

Note the use Load Factor Month variant and timeslices (patterns) to change the load factor limits by month of year.

The simulator converts the energy constraints into Constraint objects. By default the constraints are hard i.e. no violation is allowed. If you prefer to allow violations then use the Max Energy Penalty property.

See also: