Region Aggregate Transmission

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Key Property:No
Description:If transmission should be aggregated to the region level

Region Aggregate Transmission is a setting that controls when transmission should be aggregated to the Region level. It is used to perform simulations of selected Regions. The setting can have a Scenario applied.

The setting can take these values:

False (default, value = 0)
The Region is modelled as defined in input with no aggregation.
True (value = -1)
The Region is aggregated during data pre-processing. Transmission Nodes, Lines, and Transformers inside the Region are discarded. Generators, Purchasers, Physical Contracts, and Markets inside the Region are connected to a single 'reference' node. Inter-regional Lines are preserved but connected be the 'reference' node.

See also: