Stochastic Weibull Shape

Default Value:3
Validation Rule:≥0
Description:Shape parameter (beta) for the Weibull reliability function.

Model Weibull Shape (β) controls the shape of the Weibull distribution of time between failures for plant in the Monte Carlo model. The value can range between zero and three or more:

0 ≤ β ≤ 1
Plant exhibit a failure rate that decreases with time.
β = 1
The pdf is the exponential distribution as a special case. Plant have a constant failure rate (consistent with the exponential distribution).
β > 1
For β < 2.6 the Weibull pdf is positively skewed (has a right tail), for 2.6 < β < 3.7 its coefficient of skewness approaches zero (no tail). Consequently, it may approximate the normal pdf, and for β > 3.7 it is negatively skewed (left tail). In all these cases plant have a failure rate that increases with time.

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