Storage Model

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2,3)
Key Property:No
Description:Model used to define and model storage volumes (used to override the file-level Hydro Model setting).

Storage Model setting overrides the file level setting for the model used to describe the hydro storage volumes (see Hydro Model). This setting can take the following values:

Auto (value = 0)
The Storage uses the same Model as set by Hydro Model.
Energy (value = 1)
Storage volumes are in potential energy (GWh).
Level (value = 2)
Storage units are height about sea-level.
Volume (value = 3)
Storage volumes are in cumec-days (CMD) for the metric unit system, or acre-feet (AF) for US-Imperial unit system.

See the article pump storage for more details.