Storage Natural Inflow

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Rate of natural inflow

As an input, Storage Natural Inflow is the rate of natural inflow to the storage. When the Storage Model is set to "Potential Energy" this property is in megawatts of potential energy i.e. it is a equivalent rate of inflow not the volume of inflow. When the Model is "Level" or metric "Volume" it is the rate of inflow in native units of storage per second e.g. cubic metres per second (cumecs). In the Imperial US "Volume" Model the units are AF/hr. Thus the units for natural inflow are independent of the length of the simulation intervals.

Often it is convenient to point the input of Natural Inflow to a Data File as in the this example:


Storage Property Value Units Band Data File
BIG Max Volume 150 GWh 1
BIG Initial Volume 100 GWh 1
BIG Natural Inflow 0 MW 1 INFLOWS.csv

As an output the property is calculated as:

Natural Inflow = Natural Inflow × Natural Inflow Scalar + Natural Inflow Incr

The increment and scaling properties can be used to apply combinations of Escalator and Variable to the Natural Inflow.

See also: