Nodal Capability

Aurora can perform Locational Marginal Price (LMP) forecasts and Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) Analyses.

LMPs reflect market-based electricity prices at specific locations while considering congestion. This internal capability uses nodal level data and an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solution to determine LMP; it is a Security Constrained OPF (SCOPF). The priority in development was on quality price forecasts, agile use, and the speed of processing the large volume of nodal data.

All licensees of Aurora can test-drive this Nodal Capability using a delivered, 10-bus demonstration case. Up to a 20-bus case may be run with the normal Licensed deliverables. When you license the optional Nodal Capability, you can access ready-to-use power flows and nodal input data to produce locational price forecasts. However, users must have approval from FERC or the appropriate originating entity to access loadflow data covered by restricted use provisions. Nodal Input Tables include mapping resources to generator buses, contingency datasets, aggregate demand zones, and other data. Don't miss the GIS mapping capability to view locational pricing. The prices are mapped geospatially in varying colors depending on price level. Please contact Support if you have any questions.

NOTE: All loadflows are subject to either FERC Critical Energy Infrastructure Information ("CEII”) regulations or restricted use provisions of an originating entity. As such, the loadflows can only be delivered to entities which have received and can demonstrate approval from FERC or the appropriate originating entity. Energy Exemplar LLC will require proof of approval prior to delivering regulated data. All such restricted data shall be maintained by Licensee in a secure place and in accordance with all relevant governing regulations.

 Aurora Features

 Nodal Capability

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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