Copyright Information

Copyright © 1997-2024 by Energy Exemplar LLC.


©2023 Energy Exemplar.  All rights are reserved.

Published in the United States of America.  Unauthorized use of this product is a violation of US copyright statutes. The AURORA software (© 1997-2003, 2018-2024) and the AURORAxmp software (© 2004-2017) are owned by Energy Exemplar LLC and can only be used as described in the paragraph below.  

The logos and text for Energy Exemplar, Aurora, AURORAxmp, and the AURORA “A” are registered trademarks of Energy Exemplar LLC and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Any use by Energy Exemplar LLC of trademarks, word marks and logos, products, and brand names of other entities is by permission or under license.   

This product uses the following Copyright data Help:

Please contact Energy Exemplar for more information.

No part of this Help System may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.  Making copies of this Help System for any purpose is a violation of United States copyright laws.

This Help System, the Aurora software, and any accompanying materials are distributed only under written license with Energy Exemplar LLC.  If you do not have a license to use these materials, please return them to Energy Exemplar LLC.  Use of this Help System and the Aurora software is at your own risk.  

Energy Exemplar LLC takes no responsibility for any energy price, cost, or value forecast.

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

Copyright© 1997-2024 Energy Exemplar LLC. All rights reserved.