Loss Factor Column
Column Type = Number

The optional Loss Factor column is a fractional value and is used as a generator meter multiplier to account for how system losses are affected by the dispatch of any given generator. It is used to represent the fact that some generators are further from load centers and thus their output travels more and incurs more losses.  

Entries less than 1 indicate how much system losses are estimated to increase with 1 MW output from the plant. For example, a value of .03 would mean that system losses are expected to increase by .03 MW for each 1 MW of output. Negative values are allowed, implying that output from the plant is actually expected to decrease the system wide losses.

The Loss Factor will adjust the dispatch cost to reflect the impact of increased/decreased losses. Dispatch cost is multiplied by 1 / (1 - Loss Factor).

The revenue for the generator is also adjusted so that it only gets paid for output net of the estimated losses.

Revenue is [Zone Price] * [Output] * [1 - Loss Factor].

Note that the system load is not changed by the use of resource loss factors. The estimated total system wide losses should be included in the input demand data.

 NOTE: In the nodal analysis, the loss factor values are not passed through from the zonal resources to the nodal generators since locational losses can be explicitly modeled in the nodal.

 NOTE: Specify inputs for any time period (annually, monthly, weekly, hourly, or sub-hourly). For information on specifying a variable's time series, see Entering a Time Series.


 Input Tables

 Resources Table

 Loss Factor Column

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