Corridor Def Table

The Corridor Def table is used in conjunction with the Corridor Limit table to specify a set of branches, including transformers, for which simultaneous flow limits can be set.  In the Corridor Def table branch sets (or corridors), along with the branches that are assigned to each corridor, are identified.  

The branches must be entered in their reference direction, that is, in same direction as they are given in the LoadFlow_Branch or LoadFlow_Transformer tables, and can include DC lines or phase shifters.  If, for the purposes of the corridor definition, the direction of one or more branches is different than the reference direction, include a “-” before the value in the To Bus Number column to denote this.  

Flow limits are set in the Corridor Limit table.  If both tables are active in a study, constraints for the corridor as a whole may become limiting before any individual branch reaches its individual limit.



Branch Coefficient

Circuit ID

Corridor ID

From Bus Number

Primary Key

To Bus Number

To Bus2 Number


 Nodal Input Tables

 Corridor Def Table

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