Active and Completed Instances

The Active and Completed Instances section shows the currently running instances on the Aurora Host and the status of those instances.



The icon in the first column indicates the sate of the running instances:
No project is loaded
Project loading/loaded
Instance is running
Simulation has been paused by the user.
Simulation has been stopped by the user.
Simulation has completed
Simulation has completed; there were warnings during the run.
Project Error



This field identifies the host used for that record by the scheduler.

  Project File

This field identifies the project file (.apz) currently loaded in the instance by the scheduler.

  % Complete

This field show the current progress of the run - if it is in the middle of a simulation.  It also indicates whether the instance is initializing, idle, running a script, or if an error has occurred.

Status Messages

Use this button to view the status window from the run.  See example below:

Pause/Resume Instance

This button will pause a running instance on the Host or resume an instance that has been paused.

  Stop and Close Instance

This button will tell the Host to stop running a project and issue a close command to shut down the instance.

This button will force the Host to immediately close the open instance.  Any unsaved data will be lost.

Terminate Instance

This button will force the Host to immediately close the open instance.  Any unsaved data will be lost.


 Productivity Tools


 Active and Completed Instances

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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