Use this to determine attributes for a long term run while running Aurora in step mode. This command is useful for making changes to inputs during an Aurora run subject to this evaluation.
Typically VarSimLT variables should be accessed individually. For example, Dim StudyPrecision As Double = AC.VarSimLT.StudyPrecision. Less commonly, a struct variable containing all VarSimLT variables can be dimensioned as follows: Dim LTStruct As AURORAServer.StructuresModule.strucSimLongTerm = AC.VarSimLT.
The following command can be used with VarSimLT:
Refers to the study precision that is selected in the Run Status – Long Term window. Low returns a value of 0.025, Medium returns a value of 0.0055, and High returns a value of 0.0015.
For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.
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