Using PLEXOS Import

This tutorial provides the basic steps required to import data into a PLEXOS database, using the Import Wizard.

The first page, figure 1, introduces you to the import wizard, click next to continue.

Figure 1: Import Wizard Welcome screen

The second page, figure 2, gives you the opportunity to select the files you want to import.

Figure 2: Import File Selection Figure 3: PTI Option

If during XML validation, errors are found, they will be displayed on the form shown in figure 4.

Figure 4: Import File Errors

Figure 5 shows the object list from the selected import files. In the window to the left the first column shows a list of available objects, the second column shows what file they will be imported from.

Figure 5: Import Objects Page

The wizard now has all the information required to perform the import. If you need to make changes to your selections click back, otherwise click next to perform the import. This screen of the import wizard can be seen in Figure 6.

If importing a CIM file, configuration settings for how CIM properties map to PLEXOS properties can be found in the cimplexos-mappings.json file, located in the PLEXOS install directory. If any changes are made to this file, it would be a good idea to make a backup of this file beforehand.

Figure 6: Import Log Page

The final wizard page provides the user with some statistics from the import. This provides information on the successful, duplicate and failed rows for each of the data rows imported. The statistics are broken down into a number of tabs, each of which represents the type of data that has been imported, for example "Attribute" data.

Figure 7: Import Statistics Page