Battery Recharge Timeframe

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum hours to recharge after discharge

Battery Recharge Timeframe is the maximum time (in hours) that any generation must be replenished by recharging. For example, if the recharge timeframe is 3 hours and 25 MWh is generated on hour 6, then at least 25 MWh (after efficiency loss) must be stored sometime in hours 7-9. The generation can also be replenished ahead of time by the same number of hours if the Initial SoC of the battery is less than 100%. In this example the 25 MWh could then be stored in hours 3-5 as well. This logic can be used to model deferred load. Note that when this property is specified, the battery will only be allowed to operate in chronological phases.