Commodity End Effects Method

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (1,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Method used to value or constrain end-of-period inventory

Commodity End Effects Method controls the treatment of the Closing Inventory of each simulation step. The switch can take these values:

Automatic (value = 0)
The simulator chooses the "Free" option for inventory that define targets on the end inventory, e.g. Target Year, otherwise it chooses the "Recycle" option.
Free (value = 1)
Closing Inventory is has no additional constraints or values are applied.
Recycle (value = 2)
The Closing Inventory is set equal to the Opening Inventory. This option adds a constraint to the simulation. The penalty for violating this constraint is by default -1 (indicating a 'hard' constraint).
Note that when LT Plan and/or MT Schedule are run before ST Schedule End Effects Method = "Recycle" applies only to the first simulation phase unless Decomposition Method is set to "None". For example MT Schedule would recycle inventory over each year and pass targets to ST Schedule that follow this recycling profile.