Competition Contracts Handoff Point

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Description:Location of hand-off for setting of contract settlement price

Competition Contracts Hand-off Point controls Financial Contract.Settlement. It can take the following values:

Purchaser’s Price (value = 0)
There are two distinct cases here, as controlled by the Region Pool Type property:
Gross Pool
Financial contracts are settled by comparing the price paid by loads (Region Price) against the Financial Contract.Floor Price and/or Cap Pricei.e. a financial contract is interpreted as a Contract for Differences (CfD).
Net Pool
Financial contract settlement is simply the Floor Price × Quantityi.e. the contract settlement is a fixed amount.
Generator's Price (value = 1)
Financial contracts are settled at the Price Received by generators in their region rather than the price paid by the loads. When this option is selected you can then choose how contract quantities are calculated with the Contracts Settlement Method property.