Constraint LHS Type

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Action applied over left-hand side coefficients

Constraint LHS Type is the action applied over left-hand side coefficients of the constraint. It can take these values:

SUM (value = 0)
The constraint acts on the sum of all terms in the left-hand side across the time period determined by the RHS (Day/Week/Month/Year/Custom).
MAXSUM (value = 1)
The constraint acts on the maximum value of the sum of left-hand side coefficient across the period.
MAX (value = 2)
The constraint acts on the maximum of individual terms in the left-hand side and across the period.

When using 'MAXSUM' and 'MAX' as constraint type, constraint sense will be set to '≤' and RHS value defined by RHS Day/Week/Month/Year/Custom will not be scaled by 1000.

See also Constraint LHS Type