Constraint RHS

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Constraint RHS constant

Constraint RHS (Right Hand Side) is the constant term of a constraint. Setting this property defines the constraint to be one-per-interval for chronological methods and one-per-block for non-chronological methods. Generally, "RHS" is only used in ST modeling.

There are versions of RHS for each possible period type of a constraint:

Property Definition
RHS one constraint for every interval/block
RHS Hour one constraint per hour
RHS Day one constraint per day
RHS Week one constraint per week
RHS Month one constraint per calendar month
RHS Year one constraint per year
RHS Custom one constraint spanning any set of periods in the planning horizon

The RHS is interpreted as normal units, e.g. megawatts for generation. But for day, week, etc the values are interpreted as being in 1000's of the base units, e.g. gigawatt hours for generation. NOTE: When summarizing emissions from either fuels or generators the Metric model defines one unit in summary (day, week, month, year) as 1000 of the base units, whereas the Imperial U.S. model uses 2000 units. Thus if you define a >constraint on total emissions over a day, week, month or year you must should enter the limit in the appropriate unit e.g. if the production rate is in lb/MWh then an annual constraint would be in short tons, where one short ton equals 2000 lbs.

Daily constraints (defined with RHS Day) cover days of the simulation where a day starts at the hour set by the Horizon Day Beginning attribute (default of midnight). Weekly constraints (defined with RHS Week) cover weeks as set by Horizon Week Beginning attribute, which defaults to the day of week of the first day of the planning horizon. Annual constraints (defined with RHS Year) cover years as set by Horizon Year Ending attribute, which defaults to years beginning in the same month as the planning horizon.

If there are similar constraints that apply to different time periods e.g. a daily limit and a weekly limit, then separate constraint objects should be created for each.

Multi-annual constraints and constraints over custom time periods can be created using RHS Custom.

The right-hand side is the 'key' property for the Constraint object i.e. if right-hand side is not defined the constraint is not considered in the simulation.