Diagnostic Marginal Expansion Unit

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Run algorithm to calculate the marginal generating unit for expansion (LT Plan).

The Marginal Expansion Unit Diagnostic calculates the marginal expansion Generator for each Region in the system or for the whole system for LT Plan. This is calculated by performing a sensitivity analysis on regional load or system load.

Marginal Unit Transmission Detail flag sets the units report level.

The steps that are involved in creating this diagnostic are as follows (for regional report):

  1. Freeze selected production decision variables (i.e. pumps, hydro's and the unit commitment), as we do not want these values to change during the sensitivity analysis
  2. Set lower bounds on the expansion decisions so that only additional expansion is allowed
  3. Optimize this problem so that we have a 'base' solution.
  4. Get the current region's Load and increment this by the Region Marginal Expansion Increment at the Reference Node
  5. Optimize this problem
  6. Retrieve the list of Generators across the system whose Generation changed in response to the change in Load
  7. Reset the Load for the Region
  8. Print out the report for this Region
  9. Go back to step (4) using the next Region in the system or until all Regions have been analyzed