Generator Class

Description:Generating unit, or collection of like generating units

See also Generator Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.


  1. Generator Type
    1. Thermal Generation
    2. Nuclear Generation
    3. Hydro Generation
    4. Pumped Storage
    5. Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage
    6. Synchronous Condensers
  2. Categories
  3. Network Connection and Floating Generators
  4. Price Received
  5. Capacity and Outages
  6. Production Cost
  7. Unit Commitment
  8. Stochastic Unit Commitment
  9. Ramping
  10. Auxiliary Use
  11. Emissions
  12. Constraints
  13. Capacity Expansion
  14. Anti-Generators (Generators as Loads)

1. Generator Type

All types of generation resource e.g. thermal, nuclear, hydro, pump storage, RES, etc. are modeled with the Generator class. There is no need to specifically identify the type of a generator; the simulator infers the type of generator from the data and relationships that are defined on it. Regardless of the type of generator, you must define both Units and Max Capacity. Note that the default value of Units is zero, and hence you must define it for the generator to 'exist'.

1.1. Thermal Generation

A thermal generator uses one or more fuels. The efficiency of generation is defined using a heat rate function. You can chose to define the fuel cost using the Fuel Price property directly, or indirectly by adding one or more fuels to the generator's Fuels collection, and setting the Price property of the fuel(s). Thermal generators define a normal operating range using the property Min Stable Level.

Example (using metric units)

Property Value Units Date From Date To
Units 1 - 1/01/2001
Max Capacity 300 MW

Min Stable Level 140 MW

Heat Rate 11.5 GJ/MWh

Fuel Price 4.5 $/GJ

Example (using imperial US units)

Property Value Units Date From Date To
Heat Rate 11500 BTU/kWh

Fuel Price 4.5 $/MMBTU

NOTE: To switch between metric and imperial units for data entry use the Settings form.

The operation of combined-cycle generators can be optimized in detail as described in the Combined Cycle Plant article.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant are modeled using special input properties, as described in the Combined Heat and Power article.

1.2. Nuclear Generation

Nuclear generators are often run to a strict regime, with a high minimum operating level, which is defined with Min Stable Level. To define a fixed operating regime, use the Fixed Load or the Min Load properties.


Property Value Units Date From Date To Pattern
Units 1 -

Max Capacity 1500 MW

Min Stable Level 990 MW

Min Load 1080 MW

Min Load 990 MW


1.3. Hydro Generation

Hydro generators can be modeled in a number of different ways. The simplest approach is to define energy constraints to approximate the availability of water (see Max Energy, and Max Capacity Factor), and a profile of minimum operating levels to represent run-of-river generation (see Min Load).


Property Value Units Date From Date To Pattern
Units 1 -

Max Capacity 60 MW

Min Load 5 MW

Min Load 15 MW

Max Energy MONTH 15 GWh

Max Energy MONTH 27 GWh


Alternatively if you have a pre-defined profile of hydro generation you can enter this using the Max Load property.

A hydro generator with inflows can be modeled with or without a Head Storage. The Head Storage membership connects the generator to the storage model. Inflows are defined with Storage Natural Inflow property. Generation will draw from the storage according to the defined Efficiency function. To create a cascade of storage, connect the Generator to a Tail Storage. Spillways, and canals are modeled with Waterway objects. See the article Cascading Hydro Networks for more details.

Use the Generator Natural Inflow property to model 'tributary' inflows directly to the Generator. By default these inflows are 'must run' or Spill but can have a controllable element.

1.4. Pumped Storage

Pumped storage plant must have a Head Storage and a Tail Storage defined. In addition you must define the properties Pump Efficiency and Pump Load. You may also define Pump Units and Min Pump Load. Pump storage is usually modeled as a closed system, i.e. no energy flows into or out of the head or tail storage other than from generating or pumping. See the article Pumped Storage for more details.


Property Value Units
Units 1 -
Max Capacity 240 MW
Pump Load 240 MW
Pump Efficiency 70 %

1.5. Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and battery energy storage systems (BESS) can be modeled to a high level of detail. See the article Renewable Energy Sources.

1.6. Synchronous Condenser

A synchronous condenser is a generator connected and synchronized to the power grid but not generating electricity. A unit running in this mode can provide spinning reserve or inertia. You can indicate that a generator can run in this mode by setting the Sync Cond Units input property. A synchronous condenser can draw a small amount of load from the grid according to the Sync Cond Load property.

The following example illustrates a generator that can switch between generating and synchronous condenser modes.

Property Value Units
Generator Units 1 -
Generator Max Capacity 20 MW
Generator Sync Cond Units 1 -
Generator Sync Cond Load 0.1 MW
Generator Sync Cond VO&M Charge 10 $/MW

The following example illustrates a generator that acts only as a synchronous condenser to provide inertia. Note the use of Generating Units = 0 to indicate that the Units are not allowed to generate. In this case each unit operating in synchronous condenser mode provides 20 × 7 = 140 MW⋅s inertia.

Property Value Units
Generator Units 1 -
Generator Max Capacity 20 MW
Generator Generating Units 0 -
Generator Sync Cond Units 1 -
Generator Sync Cond Load 0.1 MW
Generator Sync Cond VO&M Charge 10 $/MW
Generator Inertia Constant 7 MW⋅s

2. Categories

As with any class, generators can be organized into categories. The categorization of generators does not affect the way they are modeled but it does help when reviewing and editing input and solution data. Categorizing your generators is highly recommended.

3. Network Connection and Floating Generators

A generator must be connected to the transmission network by adding one or more nodes to the generator's Nodes collection. Note that you may apportion the generation across multiple buses if required using the Generation Participation Factor property. For pumped storage the load can be distributed to one or more nodes with the Load Participation Factor.

The 'wildcard' Nodes* collection is used to create a copy of the Generator at each Node. This is useful in LT Plan for creating 'floating' generators i.e. projects whose location is to be optimized along with the expansion decision. It is also useful in modelling small-scale distributed generation such as batteries or demand-side response. See the Nodes* topic for more details.

4. Price Received and Net Profit

The Price Received for Generation is controlled by the attribute Generator Settlement Model. The default is for generators to receive the weighted-average Price at the nodes they connect to but other options are available from this attribute. Alternatively you can mark-to-market by adding a Market object to the Mark-to-Markets collection of the generator.

A Generator object can Formulate Risk in a risk-constrained simulation to bounds its Net Profit within an Acceptable Risk. Alternatively, the Generator can participate in a Company which can Formulate Risk.

5. Capacity and Outages

Max Capacity and Units together define the installed capacity of the generating station. In multi-unit generators the units are assumed to have identical characteristics.

The units and/or max capacity properties should not be used to take units in and out of service for planned maintenance or mothballing. To model a case in which one or more units are out of service for periods of time, use the Units Out property with appropriate dates or patterns.


Property Value Units Date From Date To
Units 1 - 1/01/2001 1/01/2030
Max Capacity 150 MW

Units 4 -

Units - 5/01/2010

Units Out 1 - 8/01/2004 9/01/2004

You can also model random unit outages, called forced outages by defining Forced Outage Rate. Additionally the placement of maintenance outages can be optimized - for a discussion of both random and planned outage modelling see the article Maintenance Scheduling.

6. Production Cost

Production cost is represented by offers to the market (also called 'bids'). Offers can be entered directly using Offer Quantity and Offer Price. But if user-defined offers are not defined the simulator creates a representation of the unit production cost function using the Fan Approximation method. This automatic method has a similar effect to defining a multi-band offer based on incremental cost, though it also captures the no-load cost.

Production cost is defined using a heat rate function, fuel price, and variable operations and maintenance cost.

An alternative to defining detailed offers is to define the 'economic range' (with Economic Maximum and/or Economic Minimum). This might represent the 'normal' operating range with generation outside of that range being reserved for ancillary services or times of shortage or over-generation.

7. Unit Commitment

The simulator optimizes generator unit commitment. The key properties relating to on/off decisions are Min Stable Level, Start Cost, and Shutdown Cost. You can also model more complex restrictions such as Min Up Time, Min Down Time

By default it is assumed that generating units can run up and down between zero and Min Stable Level instantaneously, with ramping inside the normal operating range restricted by Max Ramp Up and Max Ramp Down. However you can limit the ramping during start up and shutdown by using Run Up Rate (for a constant run up rate for each cooling state) or start profile (for a variable run up rate), and likewise Run Down Rate or shutdown profile for running down.

For operational modelling then initial conditions are defined using the properties Initial Generation, Initial Units Generating, Initial Hours Up, and Initial Hours Down.

Other constraints that affect unit commitment are Fixed Load, Min Load, and Rough Running Ranges.

Unit commitment can be hardwired for all or a selection of periods using the Must-run Units, and Commit properties.

May other constraints can be defined with properties or via the Constraint class including:

There are a number of solution methods available for the unit commitment problem. The default setting relaxes any integer constraints and provides a simple Linear Relaxation. You should change the Production setting Unit Commitment Optimality to enforce integer constraints. The similarly named option Unit Commitment Optimality setting is also available on the Generator objects so that the solution method for unit commitment can be customized.

The trade off between solution quality and performance of the integer unit commitment can be controlled with the following settings:

8. Stochastic Unit Commitment

In the context of real-time operation of the generating system, unit commitment decisions must be made ahead of time. This is particularly the case for larger and/or slow start units that may require a notice period before they can begin a start up. Thus if we are optimizing the unit commitment of the system 'now' there will be a window of time over which the decisions we make to commit or not commit certain generators are locked in i.e. where there is no recourse available. This constraint, called the "non-anticipativity" constraint (because it is a constraint on the length of time we can react to unanticipated events) is modeled in the simulator using the special properties:

and for pumped storage pump commitment decisions:

These properties together define the penalty for "perfect foresight", with -1 indicating infinity, and the window of time over which is constraint applies.

Optimizing unit commitment with non-anticipativity constraints requires:

In ST Schedule you would set Stochastic Method = "Scenariowise-decomposition" (which is the method used to solve the stochastic optimization problem).

For all generators with non-anticipativity constraints defined the unit commitment decision over the defined time frame of the constraint will be optimized such that a single optimal commitment is made - optimal with respect to the uncertainty. This single optimal decision path will necessarily be more expensive than the solution of "Independent Samples" (perfect foresight) but is robust against the defined volatilities.

9. Ramping

The rate at which a generating unit changes load level is called the ramp rate. A unit's ramp rate is limited by its physical characteristics. Generally these limits imply that a unit cannot ramp through its entire operating range in any one dispatch interval. This limitation becomes more apparent as the length of interval decreases e.g. in a 5-minute market units can ramp only 1/12th as much per interval as an hourly market. The properties Max Ramp Up and Max Ramp Down set limits on the ramping capabilities. When modelling ancillary services using Reserve object it can be important to account for the combined effect of ramping and reserve provision. See the Response Ratio property for details.

10. Auxiliary Use

Generators use some energy 'in house'. This use is defined using the auxiliary use properties described in the property page Auxiliary Use.

11. Emissions

Emissions from production are modeled using the Emission class by associating the Emission with the Generators and/or Fuels. For more details, see Setting Emission Production Using Load Points and Bands.

Similarly, emissions abatement is modeled using the Abatement class by associating the Abatement with the Generators and Emissions.

12. Constraints

Certain common generation constraints are included as properties on the Generator object:

Going beyond this capability, various aspects of generator dispatch and commitment can be included in generic constraints. These might be used to model fuel limits, emission limits, or transmission nomograms for example. Generic constraints can be defined for every period of the simulation, or over aggregate quantities e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

13. Capacity Expansion

The timing of new generation builds and retirements can be optimized using the LT Plan algorithm.

14. Anti-Generators (Generators as Loads)

The property Generation Participation Factor that defines the injection to the network is allowed to be negative. In this case the Generator is treated as a load by the Node. This can be a useful way to model very complex loads especially in LT Plan.