Storage Class

Description:Storage reservoir, head-pond, or tail-pond

See also Storage Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.

Storage objects are used to represent hydro storage reservoirs with short, medium, or long-term storage, generator head-ponds and tail-ponds, or even simple junctions in a river-chain. A Storage may connects to one or moreĀ  Waterway and/or Generator objects to create a model of a river chain.

In general there are four main types of storage:

  1. Pumped storage reservoirs (described in the article Pumped Storage and in the Generator topic);
  2. Short-term storage (such as head-ponds and tail-ponds) whose storage tends to cycle over days or weeks (see End Effects Method);
  3. Long-term storage whose ending 'water value' is either implied by a Target End Volume, entered directly with the Water Value property or generated via Multi-stage Stochastic Optimization;

There are several options for the units of storage, for both metric and Imperial US, and this is controlled by the Hydro Model database setting.

Deterministic, Monte Carlo, and multi-stage stochastic optimization with Rolling Horizon (RH) and/or Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) methods is supported.

See the following articles for more details: