Waterway Class

Description:Waterway for representing rivers, canals, and spillways

See also Waterway Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.


Waterway objects either:

Combinations of Storage, Waterway, and Generator objects are used to create models of cascading hydro networks. Major storages, head-ponds, tail-ponds, and junctions are modelled with storages. Canals and spillways are modelled with waterways.

Waterway flows can be delayed using the Traversal Time property.


Waterways can have bounds placed on their flows using the Max Flow and Min Flow properties. The units for these limits, and for reported waterway flows is controlled by the Hydro Model database setting. If required (particularly for "Potential Energy" Hydro Model) you can scale the input to a waterway using the Input Scalar property.

The rate of change of flow can be controlled using the Max Ramp property.

Penalties can optionally be applied to violation of waterway Max Flow, Min Flow and Max Ramp constraints with the properties Max Flow Penalty, Min Flow Penalty and Max Ramp Penalty respectively.


When a waterway is acting as a spill, either from one storage to another, or 'to the sea', there can be circumstances in which the optimal solution is to spill water even though the storage is not full. This behaviour can be overridden using the Flow Control flag.