Abatement Class

Description:Emission abatement technology

See also Abatement Property Reference for a detailed list of properties for this class of object.


This class may be used to model pollution abatement technologies such as:

These technologies all apply post-combustion and work to scrub one or more Emission types from the combustion gases.


The following are the main features of this class:

  1. An Abatement object can be applied to one or more Generator objects via the Generators collection.
  2. An Abatement object can act to remove one or more Emission objects with varying Efficiency.
  3. An Abatement object might 'consume' some product (e.g. PAC) and the rate of consumption will vary depending on the generation level.
  4. An Abatement object incurs both a Running Cost and a cost per unit scrubbed and/or per unit of generation.

Where more than one Abatement object is associated with a Generator the simulator will optimize the choice of Abatement technology using integer programming. Thus this class can be used to determine the optimal abatement technology as part of the production simulation.

The existence of an Abatement technology is controlled by the Units flag. It's availability can be controlled with the Units Out property.


To start using the class:

  1. Link the Abatement with one or more Generator objects via the Generators collection.
  2. Link the Abatement with one or more Emission objects via the Emissions collection.
  3. Set the Efficiency of abatement.

Optionally define costs such as Abatement Cost, Running Cost and/or VO&M Charge. Costs of consumables such as powdered-activated carbon are modelled using properties of the Consumables collection.

Abatement limits can be set via the following constraints:

  1. Max Abatement interval property.
  2. Max Abatement Hour property.
  3. Max Abatement Day property.
  4. Max Abatement Week property.
  5. Max Abatement Month property.
  6. Max Abatement Year property.


The property Operating Hours indicates when an Abatement object is operating at the optimal solution.

The class reports the Gross Emissions, Abatement, Net Emissions and Efficiency. Costs are reported as the Abatement Cost and Total Cost properties.

The value of emissions abated is also reported in the Abatement Value property.