Generator Run Down Rate

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Ramp rate that applies while running the unit down from [Min Stable Level] to zero

By default generating units are assumed to run down instantaneously. To override this behaviour Generator Run Down Rate defines a ramping limit that applies while the generating unit is running down from Min Stable Level to zero. This property is a simplified version of Shutdown Profile and is used when the run down rate is constant.

Note that this run down rate can be different to the Max Ramp Down which applies in the normal operating range, and Max Ramp Down does not need to be defined to use Run Down Rate.


Property Value Unit
Units 1 -
Max Capacity 100 MW
Min Stable Level 40 MW
Run Down Rate 0.5 MW/min.

See also: