Generator Min Stable Level

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum stable generation level

Generator Min Stable Level is the minimum stable generation level of each generating unit. This minimum level is enforced when the unit is turned on i.e. after the unit has run up and before it runs down. Specifically the following constraint is enforced:

GenerationUnits Generating × Min Stable Level

Units Generating integer

Note that the integrality constraint is relaxed if Unit Commitment Optimality is set to "Linear Relaxation" since Units Generating in that case is a continuous variable.

Table 1: Min Stable Level Example
Property Value Units
Units 4 -
Max Capacity 250 MW
Min Stable Level 40 MW

For the example in Table 1 each unit will operate between the range 40-250 when 'on'. When all units are 'on' the minimum is 4 x 40 = 160 and the maximum 4 x 250 = 1000 for the facility as a whole.

Min Stable Level can be defined as a multi-band property when used in conjunction with Generator Head Storage Efficiency Point to define a different minimum operating level depending on the amount of head available at a hydro generator.

See also: