Generator Min Stable Factor

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum stable generation level as a proportion of [Max Capacity]

Generator Min Stable Factor is the minimum stable generation level defined as a percentage of Max Capacity.

It is convenient to use this property instead of Min Stable Level when Max Capacity changes over time and Min Stable Level is always a set proportion of that value.

Table 1: Min Stable Factor Example
Property Value Units Timeslice
Max Capacity 87 MW M01
Max Capacity 87 MW M02
Max Capacity 87 MW M03
Max Capacity 87 MW M04
Max Capacity 80 MW M05
Max Capacity 80 MW M06
Max Capacity 80 MW M07
Max Capacity 80 MW M08
Max Capacity 80 MW M09
Max Capacity 87 MW M10
Max Capacity 87 MW M11
Max Capacity 87 MW M12
Min Stable Factor 40 %

In this example Min Stable Level will always be 40% of Max Capacity.

Min Stable Factor can be defined as a multi-band property when used in conjunction with Generator Head Storage Efficiency Point to define a different minimum operating level depending on the amount of head available at a hydro generator.

See also: