Generator Units Generating

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Number of units generating

This is the number of units generating i.e. that are on-line and operating. A unit is counted as being 'online' once it has been started and is generating above notional zero level i.e. this includes any run up/down period.

For short-term modeling you can set the number of units generating in the period immediately preceding the start of the simulation (t=0) using the property Initial Units Generating, otherwise the optimization will freely choose the initial commitment state of the units on/off depending on which is best in terms of overall system cost.

Units Generating will be a value between zero and the number of Units plus any Units Built (in LT Plan) less any Units Out.

Integer values of Units Generating i.e. integer unit commitment is enforced if:

  1. The Production Unit Commitment Optimality setting is not "Linear Relaxation"; and
  2. The Generator Unit Commitment Optimality setting is also not "Linear Relaxation"; and
  3. The simulation phase chronological (see LT Plan Chronology, MT Schedule Chronology). Note that ST Schedule is always chronological.

See also: