Generator Min Up Time

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum number of hours a unit must be run after being started

Generator Min Up Time is the minimum number of hours the unit must be 'on' in any commitment cycle. Note that Min Up Time (MUT) is a static property. The number of hours up is reported in the property Hours Up. If it is defined dynamically (varying according to different periods), the maximum value will be used. If dynamic MUT is desired, it can be achieve using a custom constraints as show in the Min Down Time topic.

The Min Up Time is the minimum time operating after Min Stable Level is reached from a hot start. For example, if the Run Up Rate requires 2 hours to reach Min Stable Level and the Min Up Time is 5 hours, the generator will be up for a minimum of 7 hours after a start. When using multiple cooling states, the setting Min Up Time by Cooling State can be used. When Min Up Time by Cooling State is true, the Min Up Time will respect the time to reach Min Stable Level regardless of whether the generator has a hot, warm, or cold start.

See also: