Generator Efficiency Incr

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Efficiency of hydro generation

Generator Efficiency Incr is the incremental efficiency of hydro generation. It is combined with Load Point in multiple bands to define an efficiency function across the range of generation. The 'no-load efficiency' is defined using Efficiency Base.

Example (using metric units) The purpose of this example is to show you how PLEXOS calculates Efficiency by given table 1. Picture 1, 2 and 4 is the process result of calculation.

Property Value Units Band
Units 1 - 1
Max Capacity 60 MW 1
Load Point 20 MW 1
Load Point 40 MW 2
Load Point 60 MW 3
Efficiency Base 58 cumec 1
Efficiency Incr 0.5 MW/cumec 1
Efficiency Incr 0.48 MW/cumec 2
Efficiency Incr 0.42 MW/cumec 3
Figure 1: Example Hydro Efficiency Curves (metric)

Example (using imperial US units)

Property Value Units Band
Efficiency Base 169 AF 1
Efficiency Incr 171 kWh/AF 1
Efficiency Incr 164 kWh/AF 2
Efficiency Incr 144 kWh/AF 3
Figure 2: Example Hydro Efficiency Curves (imperial)

See also: