Generator Max Load

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum level of unit load (unit may provide spinning reserve with remainder of spare capacity)

Generator Max Load sets an upper bound on unit Generation. The Generator is allowed to provide Raise Reserve and/or Regulation Raise Reserve with the remainder of its spare capacity up to the Rating. The property is useful for modelling energy-constrained resources such as hydro that are limited in generation but may still provide reserve.


In the following example the Generator "hydro" is limited in generation by a profile read from a CSV file, but can provide reserve up to its Max Capacity, whereas "solar" is limited through the Rating property and can provide generation and reserve only up to that limit.

Generator Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File
hydro Units 1 - 1

hydro Max Capacity 100 MW 1

hydro Min Load 0 MW 1

run of river.csv
hydro Max Load 0 MW 1

hydro limit.csv
solar Units 50 - 1

solar Max Capacity 1 MW 1

solar Rating 0 MW 1


See also: