Diagnostic Task Components

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Print a summary of the formulation elements by class.

Diagnostic Task Components toggles on/off printing to the log and screen of a detailed break down of the components in the mathematical programming problems solved during the simulation. An example of this report is:

 Task:  Columns ........22,320  Integers ............0  Rows ............7,008  Cones ...............0  Non-zeros  .......202,612
 Column Vectors                                                 Total         In Use      In Use(%)      Non-zeros    Non-zero(%)
 GenFreezeOvr.........................................         15,264              0         0.00 %              0         0.00 %
 GenFreezeUnd.........................................         15,264              0         0.00 %              0         0.00 %
 GenLoad..............................................         15,264         15,264        68.39 %        171,819        84.80 %
 GenOffer.............................................          3,240          3,240        14.52 %          3,240         1.60 %
 GenOn................................................            192            192         0.86 %            384         0.19 %
 GenPump..............................................            192            192         0.86 %            768         0.38 %
 GenPumpOn............................................            192            192         0.86 %            384         0.19 %
 IntFlow..............................................          1,992            290         1.30 %            290         0.14 %
 LinFlow..............................................         16,008            214         0.96 %            418         0.21 %
 StoEndVol............................................            384            384         1.72 %            752         0.37 %
 StoInf...............................................            384            384         1.72 %            768         0.38 %
 StoRel...............................................            384            384         1.72 %            768         0.38 %
 ZonInj...............................................          1,584          1,584         7.10 %         23,021        11.36 %
 TOTAL................................................         70,344         22,320       100.00 %        202,612       100.00 %
 Row Vectors                                                    Total         In Use      In Use(%)      Non-zeros    Non-zero(%)
 Energy...............................................             24             24         0.34 %         13,704         6.76 %
 GenFreezeLb..........................................         15,264              0         0.00 %              0         0.00 %
 GenFreezeUb..........................................         15,264              0         0.00 %              0         0.00 %
 GenMaxPump...........................................            192            192         2.74 %            384         0.19 %
 GenOfferDef..........................................          3,240          3,240        46.23 %          6,480         3.20 %
 GenPmax..............................................            192            192         2.74 %            384         0.19 %
 GenUnits.............................................            192            192         2.74 %            384         0.19 %
 IntFlowDef...........................................          1,992            290         4.14 %        105,612        52.13 %
 LinACFlowDef.........................................         15,936            142         2.03 %         67,544        33.34 %
 StoBal...............................................            384            384         5.48 %          1,520         0.75 %
 StoInfDef............................................            384            384         5.48 %            768         0.38 %
 StoRelDef............................................            384            384         5.48 %            768         0.38 %
 ZonInjDef............................................          1,584          1,584        22.60 %          5,064         2.50 %
 TOTAL................................................         55,032          7,008       100.00 %        202,612       100.00 %


The report is in two parts:

  1. The columns (or decision variables)
  2. The rows (or constraints)

Each element carries a prefix that indicates the class of object such as "Gen" for Generator and "Nod" for Node, unless it is a system class such as "Energy". The following fields appear in the report:

The total number of columns/rows allocated to the component.
In Use
The number of columns/rows active in the current mathematical program.
In Use (%)
The ratio of columns/rows in-use to those allocated.
The number of non-zero coefficients associated with the active columns/rows.
Non-zeros (%)
The number of non-zeros expressed as a percentage of the total non-zeros.

The distinction between 'allocated' and 'active' is important. Elements are notionally allocated for all variables and constraints that might be required during the simulation. That is all elements implied by the data and settings for the active Model (not all possible elements). Some elements such as those associated with transmission constraints are left out of the mathematical program (inactive) until required. This report indicates what proportion of those possible elements are actually in-use at any time.

This report can be very useful in analyzing what components of your dataset are taking the most space in the mathematical programming problem. You can then focus on those aspects in improving performance.

NOTE: This diagnostic is very expensive to produce and will significantly slow execution of the simulation. Use it only for testing purposes!

See also Diagnostic Task Size