Emission Generators Removal Rate

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Between 0 And 100
Key Property:No
Description:Proportion of emissions removed (scrubbed)

Emission Generators Removal Rate is the proportion of emissions, produced by the Generator that are removed/scrubbed/sequestered by the Generator.

Emissions are produced when Generation occurs through the definition of one or a combination of Generators Production Rate, and by way of the Generator Fuels and/or Start Fuels memberships, the Fuels Production Rate properties. This Removal Rate is applied against both sources.


Generator Property Value Units
Steam1 Units 1 -
Steam1 Max Capacity 600 MW
Steam1 Heat Rate 10 GJ/MWh
Fuel Property Value Units
Coal Price 5 $/GJ

Assume Generator "Steam1" uses Fuel "Coal" and that "Coal" is a producer of Emission "CO2".

Emission.Fuels Property Value Units
"CO2" Fuels "Coal" Production Rate 94.33 kg/GJ

To define the Removal Rate we put the Generator into the Emission Generators collection and set the property thus:

Emission.Generators Property Value Units
"CO2" Generators "Steam1" Removal Rate 50 %

In this example 1 MWh of Generation uses 10 GJ of "Coal" and produces 10 × 94.33 = 943.3 kg of "CO2" but 50% of this is removed to give a net Production of 471.65 kg.