Facility Max Ramp Down

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum ramp down rate

Facility Max Ramp Down sets a limit on the rate at which the facility can decrease Production from one interval to the next. The value is the maximum change in production per hour. This limit applies for Production ranges between the minimum operating level and Max Operating Level.

For multi-unit facilities the available ramp down is defined as:

By default the ramping limit is a hard constraint meaning that no violation is allowed. To create soft constraints with a penalty price use the Max Ramp Down Penalty property.

Table 1: Max Ramp Down Example
Property Value Units
Units 1 -
Max Operating Level 100 -
Min Operating Factor 40 %
Max Ramp Up 30 -
Max Ramp Up Penalty 100 $
Max Ramp Down 30 -
Max Ramp Down Penalty 100 $

Related reporting properties:

See also: