Facility Min Operating Factor

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Minimum unit level required when operating as a proportion of the maximum

Facility Min Operating Factor is the minimum production level required when operating.

How Min Operating Factor is interpreted (as a facility-wide value or unit-by-unit)  depends on the Min Operating Level Global setting. By default it is expressed as a proportion of the unit Max Operating Level. Setting this creates the following constraints:

ProductionUnits Operating × Max Operating Level × Min Operating Factor

Units Operating integer

Alternatively, it can be the minimum as a function of Installed Capacity, creating the following constraints:

Production ≥ Operating × Max Operating Level × Units

"Operating" binary

Note that the integrality constraint is relaxed if Unit Commitment Optimality is set to "Linear Relaxation" since Units Operating in that case is a continuous variable.

Min Operating Factor Example
Property Value Units Timeslice
Max Operating Level 87 - M01
Max Operating Level 87 - M02
Max Operating Level 87 - M03
Max Operating Level 87 - M04
Max Operating Level 80 - M05
Max Operating Level 80 - M06
Max Operating Level 80 - M07
Max Operating Level 80 - M08
Max Operating Level 80 - M09
Max Operating Level 87 - M10
Max Operating Level 87 - M11
Max Operating Level 87 - M12
Min Operating Factor 40 %

In this example the minimum Production of the facility will always be 40% of the committed capacity.

As an alternative you can specify the Min Operating Level directly.