Facility Max Starts

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum number of starts allowed

Facility Max Starts (and its period-specific variants Hour, Day, Week, Month and Year) sets an upper bound on the number of Units Started in the given period.

The property is converted to a Constraint object with Facility Constraints Units Started Coefficient. The constraint requires modeling unit commitment and so only applies to chronological simulation phases. If the constraint period is longer than the ST Schedule optimization step size it will be decomposed by MT Schedule, however for this to work MT Schedule must be run in chronological mode i.e. not "partial" chronology but either "fitted" or "sampled". For example if you set Max Starts Year and your ST Schedule optimization step is one day, you must enable MT Schedule in the same run in chronological mode so the simulator can decompose the constraint to equivalent day limits.

By default this is a hard constraint, but can be made soft by defining the Max Starts Penalty. Violations are reported in the properties Max Starts Violation and Max Starts Violation Cost.

See also: