Gas Field End Effects Method

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (1,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Method used to value or constrain end-of-period gas volumes.

Gas Field End Effects Method controls the method used to value or constrain the final End Volume of each simulation step. The setting can take these values:

Free (value = 1)
End Volume is set freely by the optimization i.e. no additional value or constraint is placed on this value.
Recycle (value = 2)
The End Volume is constrained equal to the Initial Volume of the simulation step. This option adds a constraint to the simulation. The penalty for violating this constraint is by default -1 (indicating a 'hard' constraint). This can be changed with the setting Recycle Penalty.

Note that when LT Plan and/or MT Schedule are run before ST Schedule End Effects Method = "Recycle" applies only to the first simulation phase run; unless Decomposition Method is set to "None".