Gas Storage Injection Volume Factor

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Fuel injection factor for gas storage

Gas Storage Injection Volume Factor is a percentage of Max Volume for which injection is allowed in that given band. Further injections into the storage causing the volume to rise above this value takes the simulation into the next band. The Injection Volume Factor corresponds with the Injection Rate Scalar value for each band. This input is an alternative to Injection Volume.

When Use Additive Ratchet is Yes, the input needs to be incremental, starting from the last band to the first. Consider the following gas storage injection ratchet:

Property Value Units Band
Max Volume 1000 TJ 1
Injection Ratchet 100 TJ 1
Injection Volume Factor 40 % 1
Injection Rate Scalar 50 % 1
Injection Volume Factor 30 % 2
Injection Rate Scalar 30 % 2
Injection Volume Factor 30 % 3
Injection Rate Scalar 20 % 3

This defines a 1000 TJ Gas Storage with three injection bands. Band 1 has a volume of .4 * 1000 TJ and can be injected into at a rate of (0.5 + 0.3 + 0.2) * 100 TJ per time period. Band 2 has a volume of .3 * 1000 TJ and can be injected into at a rate of (0.3 + 0.2) * 100 TJ per time period after band 1 has been filled. Lastly, band 3 has a volume of .3 * 1000 TJ and can be injected into at a rate of 0.2 * 100 TJ per time period, after bands 1 and 2 have been filled.

See also: